Friday, September 13, 2013

Coming Soon- Herbal Supplements and Unplanned Pregnancy

What do you do if you think you might be pregnant and you regularly take herbal supplements? Have you already harmed your developing baby?

There is not much reliable research about herbal use in pregnancy. Most medical information available refers to studies with pregnant animals, because it would not be ethical to use human subjects. Also, some non-medical information has been passed down to women by women through the years and this "folk wisdom" is also sometimes hard to evaluate.

However, coming soon- a series of articles about what reliable information we DO have, so you can evaluate if what you're already taking can or already has perhaps hurt your developing baby.

In the mean time, if you have any questions about your pregnancy or whether or not you might be pregnant, come and visit us-

1st Way
1667 High Street
Eugene, Oregon 97401
Call 541.687.8651
or 1-800-848-LOVE


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